November Presentations
Wednesday, 14 November 7-9p.m. Wild Wales Tours & Walkabouts presentation, Tales from Wales, Newfoundland & More! Winona County Historical Society, Winona M.N.
Thursday, 15 November 6-9p.m. Wild Wales Tours & Walkabouts, presentation Minneapolis, Tales from Wales, Newfoundland & More! Old Spaghetti Factory, Minneapolis. M.N.
Saturday, 17 November 9.15a.m
Midwest Mountaineering Equipment Expo, U of M, H.H. Room 107.
Hiking in Snowdonia and the Welsh Coastal Path.The Snowdonia National Park in North Wales and the Wales Coastal Path are undiscovered destinations for North Americans. Come join us as we ramble along ancient pathways and scenic mountainsides, staying in historic inns along the way, and learning about this magical land and the culture of its people. Come meet the locals, on the street and in the pubs, and listen to their music and stories.
Sunday, 18 November, 1p.m. U of M, H.H. Room 106. Midwest Mountaineering Equipment Expo,
Wales, History, Culture and Language. Wales is surrounded on three sides by the sea. Fiercely independent, culturally rich with song, prose, storytelling and its own ancient Celtic language, Wales is a mystical destination. Come learn about the 3000 - year history, culture and language of this ancient land.